March 9, 2025
Every year at Potter's House, we receive a First Fruits offering to honor the Lord and give generously back to Him. It is a day to bring the FIRST and BEST beyond our tithe to God.
Through this offering, we will bless other ministries internationally and locally, and continue to build the future of what God is doing through the Potter's House. Come having sought Him and expecting as we give on March 9th!
The First Fruits Offering was instituted by God to the Children of Israel when they were delivered out of Egypt. The principle of the First Fruit offering is found throughout scripture, proving that God is worthy of the first and the best of what we have to give. (Colossians 1:18)
How to Give
The First Fruits Offering will take place on Sunday, March 9, 2025 during our 10am service. Each Potter's House campus will be participating in this opportunity to give.
When is the First Fruits Offering taking place?
This is completely between you and the Lord. Potter's House does not ask for a certain amount. All we ask is that you seek God for what He wants from you and that you desire to make Him the first priority. We believe He will speak if you just ask.
How much money do I give?
Your tithe is holy and belongs to the Lord. This offering is above and beyond your tithe that will stretch your faith and be something sacrificial you can give God. The offering will go towards blessing other ministries outside of Potter's House, and this year, will continue to help "build the future" as the church eliminates its debts for further ministry to be done in the future.
I already tithe - should I still participate?
Giving in the First Fruits Offering will be in-person on March 9, 2025. If you cannot attend in-person, online giving will be available the days and weeks after March 9. To give online, click our GIVE page in the top menu and select the dropdown menu to select "FIRST FRUITS - YOUR CAMPUS" name. For questions, please contact: