Every third Wednesday, we load up the Outreach truck and go to the Hilltop YMCA to pass out non-perishable food from approx. 3-5pm.
To contribute to the Food Resource, there are blue bags available in each lobby at church with a specific shopping list to fill the bag with. Please grab a blue bag and return it (preferably) by the 2nd second each month.
This outreach of Potter’s House ministers to the elderly. The second Sunday of each month they minister at 6pm at NCR (National Church Residences) Lincoln Village. The fourth Sunday of each month they minister at 2pm at Meadow Grove Transitional Care.
My Village Ministries (MVM) partners with the local church to provide family preservation through Biblical hospitality.They come alongside families in crisis with community and support to help them get to the other side. The Potter's House is honored to be a MVM church. There is a place for everyone to serve in this ministry. KEY ROLES INCLUDE: Ministry Lead, Host Families, Community Coach, Care Community, and Mentors.
A large part of outreach "success" will be due to mentorship. Mentorship is time consuming and inconvenient. Mentees' needs will vary. Some may be newly saved, some homeless, some lacking life skills, and some may be recently delivered, etc.
During the school year, every Tuesday we partner with LifeWise Academy and get to teach middle schoolers about Christ and what it means to be a Christian.